ExchaNGe: Pandemic Resources

Healthcare Workforce Protection and Exposure

Written by NORCAL Group | 2/10/21 11:00 PM

Protecting healthcare providers (HCP) and non-clinical staff from COVID-19 infection remains critical. When HCP or staff identify themselves as having been exposed, the need to respond quickly and effectively will be paramount to minimizing additional exposure risk to your workforce, patients, and guests. While the ultimate goal is prevention, preparation for potential exposure is recommended.

Minimizing Exposure to COVID-19 During Healthcare Delivery

CDC recommends using Infection prevention and control (IPC) practices for all patients (not just patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infections), in addition to standard practices recommended as a part of routine healthcare delivery, including:

  • Using telehealth strategies
  • Screening and triaging everyone entering the facility
  • Re-evaluating admitted patients for COVID-19 symptoms
  • Implementing face mask policies and procedures for everyone in the practice/facility
  • Facilitating physical distancing
  • Implementing universal use of PPE for HCP and facemasks for patients and visitors
  • Considering pre-admission or pre-procedure diagnostic testing
  • Considering postponing elective procedures and non-urgent visits in certain circumstances
  • Optimizing the use of engineering controls and indoor air quality
  • Creating a process for responding to HCP COVID-19 infection and exposure
