The authors highlight the negative effects workforce stress can have on the delivery of healthcare and encourage healthcare administrators and leadership to relieve physician and staff anxieties during this unprecedented time by recognizing and responding to the following requests:
The foregoing bullet point content was excerpted from PowerPoint slides used by Ann Weinacker, MD during a Medical Professional Liability Association webinar on April 20, 2020 entitled “Supporting Clinicians During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The content is reproduced with Dr. Weinacker’s permission.
Mount Sinai Health System created Pandemic Workforce Well-Being: A Comprehensive Toolkit for Supporting Our Own During COVID-19, which illustrates strategies that fulfill the goals outlined in the JAMA article summarized above.
Leadership and administrators can demonstrate caring and commitment in various ways. The following resources provide strategies for leadership and administrators to hear, protect, prepare, support and care for physicians and staff during the pandemic.
American Medical Association: Caring for Our Caregivers During COVID-19
This webpage provides practical strategies that healthcare leadership can use to support physicians and care team members during the pandemic.
American Medical Association: Coping with COVID-19 for Caregivers Survey Tools
The AMA has developed two short anonymous survey tools designed to provide organizations with information about how COVID-19 is affecting clinician/staff health and wellness on an ongoing basis. The tools can be used to track trends in stress levels, identify specific drivers of stress and provide direction for developing supportive infrastructures. The survey results are administered at no cost by the AMA.
National Academy of Medicine: Resources to Support the Health and Well-Being of Clinicians During the COVID-19 Outbreak
This webpage provides resources on how to support the health and well-being of clinicians during public health emergencies, including the COVID-19 response.
U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs: Managing Healthcare Workers’ Stress Associated with the COVID-19 Virus Outbreak
This webpage describes institutional strategies to anticipate the stresses associated with caring for patients during the pandemic and put in place supports for healthcare workers.