Over the past several years, NORCAL Mutual Insurance Company and its coalition partners have advocated for legislation that would maintain the status quo in determining the standard of care in medical liability lawsuits. We are pleased to report that such language is now included in the bipartisan bill aimed at fixing the Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) system.
“The concern is that federal payment rules will be used to prove standard of care in medical liability cases,” said Jaan E. Sidorov, MD, Chair of the Board of Directors at NORCAL. “Determining liability is a complex process and payment rules were not intended to play a role in such determination.”
The bill moved out of the House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee last week and should be approved by the full Committee July 30th. Further legislative action in the House and Senate will take place in the fall.
We still have much to do before the bill becomes law. Be assured, NORCAL will continue to advocate for this and other legislation to protect our doctors and the art of medicine.