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Online Physician Reviews Reflect Patient Experience, Not Medical Care [INFOGRAPHIC]

February 4, 2020

Patient experience: “the sum of all interactions, shaped by an organization’s culture, that influence patient perceptions across the continuum of care”1

Today’s healthcare consumers are better educated with greater access to information to guide them than ever before. They're acting in many ways more like modern retail consumers than the passive recipients of medical care of years past.2 As they do in other areas of their lives are leaning heavily on physician reviews to help them select a physician.1

Healthcare consumers expect great customer service from their medical provider just as they do with the retailers they visit—and they realize they have choices. Physician reviews reflect this customer service aspect of a healthcare business more than they reflect medical care.

Infographic: Online Physician Reviews Reflect Patient Experience, Not Medical Care
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For more on this topic, see the following Knowledge Library articles:



1. The Beryl Institute. “Defining Patient Experience.”

2. Brett Chambers. “The Generational Differences in Healthcare Technology.” Physician’s Weekly, July 12, 2016.

3. Gaby Loria. “How Patients Use Online Reviews.” Software Advice.
— Site data is updated periodically. Data used in this infographic was accessed 2/7/2019.


Filed under: Infographic, Patient Experience



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