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Prevent Employee Error from Causing a HIPAA Data Breach

January 1, 2019

“The Healthcare vertical is rife with Error and Misuse. In fact, it is the only industry vertical that has more internal actors behind breaches than external.”1

Even with this grim realization, there is some good news for healthcare practices. Because more than half of healthcare data breaches are caused by inadvertent actions of employees, there is an opportunity for practices to greatly reduce their risk of attack with employee training and awareness that builds a pervasive “culture of security.”

In this special report, we offer best practices that can help you guard against inadvertent cybersecurity incidents — as well as intentional mischief — and help prevent a HIPAA data breach.

Employee Error: Your Biggest Risk of a HIPAA Data Breach



Best Practices

  • Build a culture of security to protect against this threat to your practice.
More on this topic is available under Information Security and HIPAA Privacy & Confidentiality.


1. Verizon Enterprise. “Verizon 2018 Data Breach Investigations Report.” (accessed 5/7/2018)

2. Ponemon Institute. “2017 Cost of Data Breach Study — United States.” (accessed 5/7/2018)

3. Diana Manos. “5 ways to Avoid Health Data Breaches.” Healthcare IT News. February 19, 2014. (accessed 5/7/2018)

4. Verizon Enterprise. “Verizon 2017 Data Breach Investigations Report Executive Summary.” (accessed 5/7/2018)

Filed under: Digital Health, Special Report



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